Registration modalitiesRegistration modalitiesTo pre-register, please send a CV and a short letter of motivation describing your activities to the following address b.rayet[arrobaz] before February 20. The number of available places is limited to 50 participants. If selected, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, no later than February 27, together with payment modalities in order to finalize your registration Training costThe registration cost includes all the courses, coffe breaks, 4 nights on Insa students room (single room only), lunches from Monday till Friday, dinner on Monday, Tuesday and gala dinner on Thursday CNRS - 0 euro Academic - 250 euros Industrial - 400 euros For information: France Life Imaging and LabEx Primes fellowships are available for PhD students, if you would like to candidate, please send a submission letter explaining the reasons of your demand together with your pre-registration. Abstract submission for poster (evening 2)A poster session with buffet will be organised on Tuesday evening. If you wish to present your data and discuss them with the others participants and the speakers, please submit an abstract on the dedicated page after February 27 |